Award winners inside!
From tens of thousands of sellers to twelve, we're proud to present the 2022 Etsy Design Awards winners! These rising stars are masters of their craft. Explore the prized finds picked by judges Dayna Isom Johnson and designers from The Expert (Jake Arnold, Jenna Lyons, Brigette Romanek, and more), below.

A round of applause...

Grand Prize Winner
etsy award winner 2022
Large Modern Wall Hanging from We Are Lunarium
“I hope that my pieces inspire customers to create spaces that make them excited to live and work in.” —Tim Stevenson
Our Category Design Award Winners
kitchen and dining
Kitchen & Dining
home decor and lighting
Home Decor & Lighting

See more Category Winners

People's Pick Winner
Convex Aura Mirror from SurreyWoodsmiths
Congratulations to Jonathan Hitchcock of SurreyWoodsmiths, chosen by our community! His effortlessly elegant design elevates an everyday staple.

Plus so much more
Explore (and shop!) the full lineup of prize-winning pieces and learn the stories that make them so extraordinary.
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